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Join the ARMRA Army

We’re glad you’re here. By joining the #ARMRAARMY, you’re joining our mission to create a healthier world. We’re passionate about rebuilding immune barriers, restoring your microbiomes, and empowering bodies with the blueprint to revitalize health from the inside out. At ARMRA, we’re always on the lookout for passionate people to help us spread the word. Ready to join? See below to navigate where you believe you’d be the best fit.

As an ARMRA Activator, you represent our voice in your community and act as an extension of ARMRA to spearhead our mission and vision, earning commission on every order placed using your custom code.


  • Spread brand awareness through word-of-mouth, social media and events

  • Advocate for the brand and promote your favorite products by using your individually customized code

  • Inspire your community by showcasing new product launches and other exciting incentives


  • Must have a valid email address

  • Must be at least 18 years of age or older

  • Must have at least one valid/active social media account on Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, or YouTube

Give 15, Get 15

Our Refer-A-Friend program is for those who want to share ARMRA with their friends and family. When they use your unique link to purchase, they get 15% off and you receive a 15% coupon to use on your next order.


“I’ve been taking ARMRA for about three months now and definitely notice more muscle tone and I’ve lost weight and am noticeably leaner than when I started using it. I’ve been very impressed, especially since I’m pretty skeptical of “health supplements." I’m up to taking 3 packets a day now.”