So I’ve been using this stuff for over a year, Morning and night. I never go with out!! I used to have the worst sensitive stomach, everything bloated me and upset my belly. I’m not kidding when I say my digestive system is incredible now. I recently took a gut test, and for the first time in my life, I actually got a really good score on the state of my gut!!
My bowels are perfect, my hair is growing like crazy, my skin is glowy.
Also, I was always the one that when my family got sick, I got it the worst and the longest. Recently my whole family got the flu and I never got it!! Even with my kids coughing in my face and being around them 24/7. I couldn’t believe it. I have to credit the colostrum cause this has never been the case for me before.
So anyway, I know this is a long read but I swear by this stuff and I will literally never go without it.